Springtime is good time
Yes, Spring is an excellent time to start new things or to continue with some exciting things you’ve already started. After a long grey winter, boosted with this new springtime energy, we’ve talked about crowdfunding to the audience in charge to manage our national protected areas. Yes!
Last week Croatian national and nature parks managers, marketing staff and experts gathered together for a two-day event, which was an excellent opportunity for us to go and present them the power of crowdfunding and why it is not only about the money!
It is not that new thing anymore, globally, the amount of funding raised from the crowd grows exponentially every year – last year it surpassed 36 billion US$. Crowdfunding is a new normal and it will stay that way. In Croatia, it is still modest, with roughly 6-7.000 backers and fiftyish projects daring to go out with crowdfunding campaigns, only one third of them being successful. So, there is a huge field of unused opportunities with crowdsourcing good ideas or solutions and then going out crowdfunding to make them work.
Wanna save frogs, count Mr. and Mrs. Fox, protect marine mammals or plant trees? You can do so with crowdfunding too and gain a big crowd of supporters on your way. They can help with ideas, stories, promotion, feedback, work and with money. They will remain the ambassadors of your idea all their life and will tell everyone how cool idea they’ve taken part-in. They will continue to think about new ideas and will help your idea to grow, evolve and mature. There you go! Nature conservation does not have to be a modest introvert. If you use crowdfunding, more and more people will start to care.
While you think about it and search some good ideas in nature conservation that went out with crowdfunding campaigns on Indiegogo, Experiment, FunderHut or any other platform, you can also go out to nature. Yes, you should! Go visit out the parks. If you are a geek, you can also use a brand new mobile application to help you out! Go check Croatian National Parks, download the App, go out to Medvednica, Papuk, Učka or any other of our 19 parks in Croatia, stroll around and find beacons. Or better to say, beacons with find you. It is Spring, a perfect time to start new things.
If you have a great new idea – let us know!