Croatia on the European map of the innovation for climate
We are happy to announce that we are a part of newly-established European Institute of Innovation and Technology – EIT Climate KIC Hub Croatia under the EIT Regional Innovation Scheme (EIT RIS)
The EIT RIS accelerates climate innovation across Europe and facilitates connections into the established innovation hubs, now in 12 countries in the centre, east and south of Europe, securing pan-European reach, boosting climate innovation capacity across the continent.
The newly established EIT Climate KIC Croatia Hub consortium is composed of eight organizations that are different by composition and mandates yet complementary in missions and actions: Zagreb Innovation Centre, North-West Croatia Regional Energy Agency, University of Zagreb Technology Transfer Office and University of Zagreb Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering, Terra Hub, Green Energy Cooperative, The Knowledge Network and Impact Hub Zagreb. The aim of the consortium is to promote and set up a climate-conscious economy through a systematic ecosystem change involving all layers of society.
EIT Climate-KIC is a European knowledge and innovation community working to accelerate the transition towards a prosperous, inclusive, climate-resilient society founded on a circular, zero-carbon economy. It is the EU largest public-private partnership network of more than 300 organisations with knowledge – universities, research institutes, cities, regions, businesses and NGOs, working on innovative solutions to reduce carbon emissions. EIT Climate-KIC runs programmes for students, start-ups, innovators and professionals via centres in mayor cities. More details about the areas of focus, programmes and community at
The EIT Climate-KIC Hub in Croatia will be a focal point for organizations from across business and entrepreneurship, municipalities, higher education and research and technology, supporting knowledge sharing and integration and accelerating the journey of solutions from the lab through to market.
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Photos by Annalisa Spalazzi, EIT RIS. Thank you!